
Elmin Kadric

Bachelor of Gaming Ultimo

Click for confetti 👏

Hey, my name is Elmin Kadric and I live in Liverpool NSW. My love for games really push me to understand how they are made and what goes into them, that's way I'm looking for a job in creating and designing models for games but I'm also keen to learn try and learn everything I can.

Pier Sculpt

During my 2nd year we had to work collaboratively in small groups of 2 and work on a wharf using Zbrush. Each group member was tasked to work on either the wharf or the stone structure. The goal of this assignment was to turn the 2D image into a 3D model by using all the sculpting and modelling tools. I spent 4 to 5 weeks on the project, during this time I researched approaches to depicting stylised and real-life stones, so that I could get my sculpt as accurate as possible. I also made another piece of the wharf in Maya and brought it back into Zbrush to work on the finer details.

Project/Client Website


During my third and final year of Uni, we had to made a game across a whole year. The game we made was a survival, creation based and a pre-generated terrain with magic level up system. My role within the group was to make and texture models but I was mainly given the task to model the characters based off concept.