Hi I'm Brianna and currently a UX and Web Design student at the Billy Blue Ultimo campus ! I love working in the space between science and art, trying to combine tech and design together for the perfect result. Currently I want to explore more about the world of UX and UI to keep expanding my knowledge and practices moving forward.
The driving point behind this site was to create a new way for students to learn and engage with maths as most students feel detached and apathetic towards STEM based learning. While looking through the reports of the Australian Mathematics and Science Institute, I learned that half of year 8 students disliked maths compared to only 38% of their international peers. My goal was to change that, using interactivity and aesthetics to create a resource that could capture the attention of students and change the way they perceive learning. The final prototype was created using HTML, CSS and JavaScript along with free public assists from FreePik, to create an example of how the tools and techniques of web design have the potential the change the way we learn and educate others.
This site was a fun way to experiment with the possibilities of JavaScript and animation libraries, applying them to a functioning, real world example.